General policy
The journal Cattle Research is a scientific and peer-technical bulletin of the Agrovýzkum Rapotín Ltd. It is intended for publication of papers from the basic and particularly applied research of cattle and associated technical studies. The main focus is on scientific works in the field of breeding, dairy and beef performance, population genetics and reproduction. Other specialized topics of the applied research can be summarized as follows: pastures and soil, pratotechnics, harvesting and preservation of feeds, nutrition and feeding of cattle, biotechnology in reproduction, the health status of cattle, quality and processing of food sources, analytics of agricultural materials, economy of cattle farming, problems in small ruminants.
Manuscripts in Czech language, Slovak language or English with priority are accepted. Manuscript should not exceed 16 pages including tables, graphs and figures (more extensive papers can be published only upon agreement of the Editorial Board). There are two sections in the bulletin: Series A, where are published the original scientific papers after the review process and series B, which contains technical communications, news from conferences, and book reviews.
The editorial board makes decision about acceptance of an article on the base of the opinions of reviewers, originality of the work, recency, scientific and practical benefits and the overall quality of work. The content accuracy of the paper is entirely on the responsibility of the author.
Submission of manuscripts and review procedure
Manuscript should be submitted in an electronic form via email or a memory stick (CD, flash-disk etc.)
Upon admission of the article, the editorial board will decide on its acceptance and publishing. The author will be informed in the case of a proposal to not publish the article or to include the article in the Series B (Technical Papers – without review) after next session of the Editorial Board. Upon admission of the order (see below – Page charge) and acceptance of the article by Editorial Board, the article is sent to two reviewers for the review.
The author is obliged to return the fixed contribution to the editors no later than one week after receiving of reports from reviewers. It is necessary to send back the entire article, including tabs, charts and figures even the minimum of changes in the correction process is done. The author must answer all important comments of reviewers, however, it is not necessary to accept all requirements of reviewers, but it is obligatory to explain the reasons why they are not accepted.
Final print version of the article is sent to author for eventual corrections before processing of the journal in the printing house.
Page charge for external authors
Cattle Research has page charge since issue 1/2011. The charge applies for papers in Section A – Original Scientific Papers – if the first author is external (not an employee of Agrovýzkum Rapotín Ltd.) The charge is set at 500 CZK (excluding VAT) per one final printed page.
Order to publish the paper in the bulletin must be sent along with each article of the external author. Final price of the publication is determined after all corrections and page break for press as follows: Price = number of pages x 500, - CZK + VAT. The editorial office will then send an invoice to the author. Order form is available for download in download section.
Since October 2016, page charge is cancelled!
Editorial address:
Agrovyzkum Rapotin Ltd.
Zemedelska 2520/16, 787 01 Sumperk, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 583 392 117
E-mail: koza [at]
To the address of the editors is also necessary to send the author’s own signed statement that the paper is original and has not been published yet. A scan copy is also accepted. On the same statement we also ask for the ID of co-authors: their names, surnames, academic or scientific titles with names and addresses of their laboratories.
Authors’ copies
After the contribution is published in the Cattle Research, the (co-)authors receive one reprint of the bulletin and e-form of the own paper in pdf file for free.
Form of manuscript
Manuscript should be divided into the following parts:
Title should be informative and not too long written in English and Czech language.
Abstract should contain essential information on the methodological approach of solved problems, description of the results with statistical significance, brief and unambiguous conclusions. There is no discussion of the results or references. It is written in English and Czech language and must not exceed 400 words.
Key words
Key words – should describe the study and should not have been used in the title. In English and Czech language.
Introduction contains information about an objective of the study and current state of the research in that field. Further, there should be references to show the state of knowledge, from which the authors made statements.
Materials and Method
There must be a clear description of used equipment, chemicals, diagnostic sets etc. and the way of using. Further, there must be description of animal or plant (species, numbers and allocation into the groups, the way of rearing, planting, feeding, treatments, collection and storage of samples etc.), description or reference to the procedures or modification and statistical method with used software.
Results must be clearly drawn and presented in charts or tables. Statistical evaluation must be reasonably justified and have a perfect process. Statistically significant differences must be marked clearly.
Results are assessed in the context of the appropriate knowledge. There must be obvious, what is new, different and interesting in comparison with other published papers.
Results and discussion can be set as one part.
Should be clear, brief and report the new knowledge, the most important results with scientific and practical consequence and recommendation for further research.
The list of references must include all cited publications in the text in alphabetical order according to surname of the first author.
Technical form of manuscript
Manuscript is accepted in electronic form in format of Microsoft Word (other format need consultation with the technical editor). It should not contain any special format as headings, paragraphs, hyphenation etc. Just divide the simple text into the part as described above (introduction, materials...). Use font Times New Roman, size 12, size page A4. Tables, charts and figures are placed at the end of the manuscript. It is possible to indicate their position into the text.
Charts, pictures
We recommend sending them apart from the manuscripts as separate files. Charts can be send as the Microsoft Excel format. In this case, include the source data for the chart. Because of clear visualization of data in charts, we do not recommend to create 3D graphs, grid or shading. Formats for pictures are not strictly defined but author has to take into account that the press is on the scale black and white. Graphics resolution should be 300 DPI.