HETFA Research Institute is continuously supporting Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) in gaining new skills, exchanging knowledge and achieving more recognition for their work. Coordinated by HETFA, the foRMAtion (Innovative and smart module for potential Research Managers and Administrators in higher education) project implemented under Erasmus+ Key Action 2 is promoting strategic partnership in the field of higher education. The project aims to support students in higher education as potential research managers and administrators (RMAs) by reinforcing their high-level and transversal skills needed for developing and managing excellent European research, innovation and educational projects.
Registration is now OPEN to the foRMAtion public stakeholder events to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia and in Rome, Italy in September.
Learning RMA by doing RMA: Empowering Research Managers and Administrators through foRMAtion’s Mentorship Programme
Date and venue: 21 September 2022, 13:00-18:00, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The event will be hosted by the Slovenian Forestry Institute and will focus on the foRMAtion Mentorship Program. Lessons learnt from the piloting and further RMA mentorship programmes around the world will be assessed, such as the ERA Fellowships - Science Management Programme in Germany, mentorship activities within ARMA and EARMA, the Odyssey Mentoring Programme of SRAI as well as the Mentorship Programme of the Canadian Association of Research Administrators. We invite all interested experts to join the world café discussion about the potential transfer of the foRMAtion Mentorship Programme and future cooperation in the frame of the foRMAtion alliances.
- Preliminary Agenda.
- Registration is free of charge and open until 2 September.
Research Managers and Administrators - Challenges & opportunities for education and training
Date and venue: 27 September 2022, 09:00-13:00, Rome, Italy
The event is led by ISINNOVA, an independent research institute with vast international RMA experience and partner of the foRMAtion - RMA project, with the support of University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Politecnico di Torino and APRE - Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea. Within the framework of the foRMAtion project, generator of innovative paths to shape tomorrow’s RMA training, experts will consider challenges to face and training opportunities to develop in order to give RMA the space it deserves as a potential key profession of the future, while a keynote speech by the European Commission will shed light on the EU initiatives for Research Managers and Administrators.
- Agenda
- Registration is free of charge
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